For two generations the nursery MAYA SEEDS ApS has produced Capsicum of high auality and consistensy
For two generations the nursery MAYA SEEDS ApS has produced Capsicum of high auality and consistensy
We combine well-developed breeding techniques with know-how and experience from the production of finished products. This gives a unique range of consistent series with a broad colour scale, harmonic growth and long durability.
We proudly present Maya Seeds
With Maya Seeds® you get
- unique consistency
- compact growth and rich fruit buds
- exciting colours and beautiful presentation
- long durability for inside and outside use
Find inspiration and useful information about the large range of Maya Seeds® on our website or contact us for further advice and guidance regarding the production of Capsicum Maya® in your nursery.
In our extensive Maya Seeds range you will find series for every kind of production, regardless of pot size and colour preference.
Solbjerg Søvej 15
DK-8362 Hørning
Telefon +45 8692 8432
Mobil: +45 2192 6089